NOTOS Attourney Sophie Krämer in a portrait photo

Sophie Krämer


About her

Sophie Krämer has been working as a lawyer since 2023. During her studies, she specialized early by focusing on media law.
Throughout her legal traineeship, she gained further practical experience relating to Intellectual Property.

She advises on all aspects of Intellectual Property law, in particular trademark and competition law as well as copyright and media law.


Since 2023
NOTOS, Associate

Research assistant at the law firm DAMM Rechtsanwälte, which is specialized in media-, copyright-, and presslaw


Legal internship in the judicial district of the Palatinate Higher Regional Court of Zweibrücken with media law as her elective subject

With stations at – inter alia – the commercial law firms FPS Fritze Wicke Seelig and Graf von Westphalen (both in the Intellectual Property practice group)

Law studies at the Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz (focus on media law and international public law)



Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR)

  • EuG: Keine Verwechslungsgefahr zwischen Unionsmarken (végé/VEGE STORY) für vegetarischen Fleischersatz, in GRUR Prax 2023, 592 **
  • LG Düsseldorf: Keine Markenverletzung wegen bloß beschreibender Benutzung des Zeichens, in GRUR Prax 2023, 563
  • OLG Hamm: Auslegung einer Unterlassungserklärung, in GRUR-Prax 2023, 505 *
  • KG Berlin: Keine Auskunftspflicht eines Postdienstleisters bei Transport einer gefälschten SD-Karte, in GRUR-Prax 2023, 225 **

* with Dr. Jakob F. Dämmer
** with Eckart Haag


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